CEMS – Multigas Analysers

CEMS and Process Gas

In essence, AquaGas Pty Ltd is a system integrator with broad expertise and specialty skills in building customised Automated Gas Monitoring Systems essential to our customers asset management and environmental compliance. We offer a flexibility of choice in terms of technology and therefore we propose integrating field proven instruments from various brands and can also include third party instruments when it corresponds to our customers’ preferences or required by the specificity of the applications.

Our technicians are trained by manufacturers and highly experienced with a large range of brands and technologies.

Our strong partnerships implemented with world leading CEMS and Process gas analyser manufacturers as well as local distributors,  provide AquaGas with an extensive range of technologies, diverse measuring principle and sampling methods to design and build cost effective, versatile and high performance systems composed of instruments specifically selected  in consideration of the applications.

System Integration


  • OFCEAS (Optical Feedback Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy)
  • NDIR – Non Directive Infrared
  • FTIR – Fourier Transform Infrared
  • GFC IR – Gas Filter Correlation Infrared
  • Electrochemical Sensors
  • UV – Chemiluminescence
  • TDLAS – Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
  • Light Scattering
  • LPS – Low Pressure Sampling
  • Direct Extractive (cold Dry and Hot Wet)
  • Dilution based CEMS
  • In-situ gas analyser
  • In-situ Dust Monitor
  • Short extractive gas analyser
  • Dual Systems and Automatic Redundant
  • Rack or wall mount units



Copper facility south australia
Offices and Warehouses across Australia
Committed to a better environment and a sustainable future,…
AquaGas Pty Ltd is delighted to announce the acquisition of…
AquaGas Pty Ltd recently took over the technical and sales…
AquaGas Pty Ltd is proud to advertise the acquisition of several projects within the…
The Australia’s leading manufacturers of disinfectants…
Water treatment plant in refineries and other oil and gas…
After having successfully completed the commissioning of…
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation…
We are delighted to announce the recent acquisition of several…
The emission of pollutants resulting from a multitude of…
  The use of water in mining has the potential to affect the…
The use of process gas online monitoring systems at locations…
The Mamos is a high quality stationary monitoring system…
The benefits of accurate suspended oil (oil in water) online…
  Sampling is a key factor to ensure representative…
The ProCeas® and the LaserCEM® are based on the OFCEAS* measuring…
Starting in 2012, AP2E launched the industrialisation of the…
  TOC Evolution AquaGas introduces the TOC Evolution from…

Sampling Solution


Sampling is the key factor to ensure representative analysis and essential to preserve the good status of your monitoring system. AquaGas supplies stationary sampling equipment designed for Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEMS) and process online analysis. Our solutions are available as system components for integration into a third party systems or as complete systems. AquaGas integrated solutions combine the best technologies available to extract, transfer, and condition samples from stack or process gasses prior to analysis. Our adaptative product range is versatile and suits a large field of applications.

Analysers Product Line

Laser (OFCEAS)

Low pressure sampling extremely high resolution laser

Online Gas Chromatograph (FID, EC, PID, FPD, UV, TCD…)

Gas chromatographic separation of Hydrocarbons, Sulphur compounds, VOCs…

Combination of Measuring Principle (NDIR, TCD, ElectroChemical…)

Selection of gas proprietary measuring cells to fit most applications requirements at minor cost.

Zirconium Analyser (Zr)

Insitu Oxygen Analysers

CEMS and Process Product Line

Data Acquisition and Handling Systems

Portable Gas Analysers

Calibrators and Gas Generators

Customised Systems and Services

System integration

As a system integration company AquaGas offers a large range of engineering services including product and systems design, project management and consulting.

Onsite services

AquaGas provides a comprehensive and flexible range of onsite services covering preventive and corrective maintenance, calibrations, data processing and reporting.

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